2d arrays, functions, C -

the problem write function takes 2 dimensional array, 2 integers represent number of rows , columns in array, , prints out 2 x 2 array represents largest square in array. largest square means square sum of elements greatest in array.

given array: 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

output should be:

7 8

11 12

though never learned subarray/matrixes , kadane algorithm in class i've been online day , im hopping close solution? (*my professor interested in function, we're not supposed submit full program) due yesterday im lost, please if can , in advance!

/*void f(x) opens file take in given array*/ void largestsqaure(int array[row][column]) {         file*ifp= fopen("largestsquare.txt", "r");      file*ofp= fopen("output.txt", "w");      for(r0w= 0; row < size; row++)               fscanf(ifp, "%d", &array[row]);      /*declaring variables*/     int maxsum = int_min, finalleft, finalright, finaltop, finalbottom;     int left, right, i;     int temp[row], sum, start, finish;      /* adding left , right columns & intiializing size in loop*/     (left = 0; left < column; ++left)     {         memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));          (right = left; right < column; ++right)         {             /* calucalting sums in between*/             (i = 0; < row; ++i)                 temp[i] += array[i][right];              /* finding max subarray using kadane*/             sum = kadane(temp, &start, &finish, row);              if (sum > maxsum)             {                 maxsum = sum;                 finalleft = left;                 finalright = right;                 finaltop = start;                 finalbottom = finish;             }         }     }      /* printing 2 x 2 array had max sum*/     printf("%d, %d\n", finaltop, finalleft);     printf("d, %d\n", finalbottom, finalright);   system("pause");  } 

#include <stdio.h> #include <limits.h>  #define row    3 #define column 4  int main(void){     int a[row][column] = {         {1,2,3,4},         {5,6,7,8},         {9,10,11,12}     };     int max = int_min;     int max_r, max_c;     int r, c;     for(r=0; r < row-1; ++r){         for(c=0; c < column-1; ++c){             int sum = a[r][c] + a[r][c+1] + a[r+1][c] + a[r+1][c+1];             if(sum > max){                 max = sum;                 max_r = r;                 max_c = c;             }         }     }     printf("%d %d\n", a[max_r][max_c], a[max_r][max_c+1]);     printf("%d %d\n", a[max_r+1][max_c], a[max_r+1][max_c+1]);     return 0; } 


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