sql server - Get Average amount of Months between sales in each row in SQL -

name         customer   stockcode       description         3/01/2013   4/01/2013   5/01/2013   6/01/2013   7/01/2013   8/01/2013   9/01/2013   10/01/2013  11/01/2013  12/01/2013  1/01/2014   2/01/2014   3/01/2014   4/01/2014   5/01/2014   6/01/2014   7/01/2014   8/01/2014   9/01/2014   10/01/2014  11/01/2014  12/01/2014  1/01/2015   2/01/2015   3/01/2015 aag ice cream   564     243702  4/1 gal ja-rtu pineapple    null    null    null    274.40  null    null    313.60  null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    392.00  null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null aag ice cream   564     243701  4/1 gal ja-rtu strawberry   null    null    null    660.00  null    null    null    660.00  null    null    null    null    null    null    null    660.00  null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null aag ice cream   564     248050  4/1 gal-rtu choc syrup      null    null    null    534.00  null    null    534.00  null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    534.00  null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null    null 

i need determine average amount of months between sales per row. if have 3 nulls sale , 4 nulls , sale , 4 nulls , sale on row can come 3.6 months(4 rounded) on average customer buy item during last 24 months.so if see 5 month elapse today without sale can flag customer on row.(customer/stockcode combo.)

other style - direct query no pivot.

select customer,stockcode,sum(invoicevalue) amount ,month(trndate)        [month],year(trndate) [year]  arsalesmove   trndate between  dateadd(year,-2,getdate())   ,  getdate()   group customer,stockcode,month(trndate),year(trndate)   order customer,stockcode,year(trndate),month(trndate) 
customer stockcode      amount  month   year 0000023 850802          3542.40  5  2013 0000023 850802          0        6  2013 0000023 850802          0        7  2013 0000023 850802          0        8  2013 0000023 850802          2361.60  9  2013 0000023 850802          0        10 2013 0000023 850802          0        11 2013 0000023 850802          0        12 2013 0000023 850802          2361.60   1 2014 0000023 850802          0         2 2014 0000023 850802          0         3 2014 0000023 850802          0         4 2014 0000023 850802          4723.20   5 2014 0000023 850802          0         6 2014 0000023 850802          0         7 2014 0000023 850802          3542.40   8 2014 0000023 850802          0         9 2014 0000023 850802          0        10 2014 0000023 850802          0        11 2014 0000023 850802          2361.60  12 2014 0000023 850802          0         1 2015 0000023 850802          0         2 2015 0000023 850802          0         3 2015 
create table [dbo].[arsalesmove]( [customer] [char](7) not null, [trndate] [datetime] not null, [register] [decimal](5, 0) not null, [summaryline] [decimal](5, 0) not null, [detailline] [decimal](5, 0) not null, [invoice] [char](6) null, [stockcode] [char](30) null, [warehouse] [char](2) null, [invoiceqty] [decimal](10, 3) null, [invoicevalue] [decimal](14, 2) null, [costvalue] [decimal](14, 2) null, [documenttype] [char](1) null, [branch] [char](2) null, [salesperson] [char](3) null, [bin] [char](6) null, [ordertype] [char](2) null, [area] [char](2) null, [productclass] [char](4) null, [taxcode] [char](1) null, [taxvalue] [decimal](14, 2) null, [discvalue] [decimal](14, 2) null, [taxcodefst] [char](1) null, [taxvaluefst] [decimal](14, 2) null, [salesorder] [char](6) null, [customerponumber] [char](30) null, [trnyear] [decimal](4, 0) null, [trnmonth] [decimal](2, 0) null, [forinvoicevalue] [decimal](14, 2) null, [invoicecurrency] [char](3) null, [salesorderline] [decimal](4, 0) null, [timestamp] [timestamp] null, constraint [arsalesmovekey] primary key clustered  (   [customer] asc,   [trndate] asc,   [register] asc,   [summaryline] asc,   [detailline] asc  )with (pad_index = off, statistics_norecompute = off, ignore_dup_key = off,     allow_row_locks = on, allow_page_locks = on) on [primary] ) on [primary] 

what did create groupid field, populated value invoicevalue not equal 0:

 set @counter = 0  update @tempsales   set @counter = tt.groupid = @counter + 1  @tempsales  tt   case when tt.invoicevalue <> 0 1 else 0 end = 1 

that left me null values invoicevalue null filled null:

 select t1.id,t1.trndate, t1.customer,t1.stockcode,t1.invoicevalue, (--fill null values... select t2.groupid @tempsales t2 t2.id = (     select max(t3.id)     @tempsales t3     t3.id <= t1.id     , groupid not null    )  ) groupid @tempsales t1    

next counted groupid , group groupid.

then got average of counts , date of last sale max(trndate), , created flag customer/stockcode combinations exceed average months between sales.

  case when monthssincelastsale > zeroavg + 1 1 else 0 end flag - 

and here in stored procedure...

alter proc getzeromonthsreport @customer varchar(50), @stockcode varchar(50)   declare @tempsales table (id int identity (1,1) not null primary key,    trndate datetime, customer nvarchar(50),stockcode nvarchar(50), invoicevalue      decimal, groupid int) declare @temp  table (id int identity (1,1) not null primary key, trndate   datetime, customer nvarchar(50),stockcode nvarchar(50), invoicevalue decimal,   groupid int) declare @counter int   insert @temp (trndate, customer,stockcode, invoicevalue) select  convert(varchar(50),month(trndate)) + '/01/' +   convert(varchar(50),year(trndate)) trndate ,  rtrim(customer),rtrim(stockcode), sum(invoicevalue) dbo.arsalesmove s with(nolock) trndate between  dateadd(year,-2,getdate())   ,  getdate() , rtrim(customer)+rtrim(stockcode) not in ( select   rtrim(customer)+rtrim(stockcode) dbo.arsalesexclusion with(nolock))  , rtrim(customer)<>'999'  , rtrim(stockcode)<>'704033'--wood pallets      , rtrim(customer)in (select distinct  rtrim(customer) arsalesmove   trndate between dateadd(year,-2,getdate())   ,  getdate())  , rtrim(stockcode)in (select distinct  rtrim(stockcode) arsalesmove  trndate between dateadd(year,-2,getdate())   ,  getdate())  group customer,stockcode,month(trndate),year(trndate)  order customer,stockcode,trndate ;with enum  ( select customer,stockcode, startdate = convert(datetime,    convert(varchar(50),month(dateadd(year,-2,getdate()) )) + '/01/' +   convert(varchar(50),year(dateadd(year,-2,getdate()) ))), --  min(trndate),   enddate = getdate()-- max(trndate)  @temp    group customer,stockcode     union  select customer,stockcode, dateadd(month, 1, startdate), enddate enum  startdate < enddate    )   insert @tempsales (trndate, customer,stockcode,invoicevalue,groupid) select   e.startdate, e.customer,  e.stockcode, invoicevalue = isnull(t.invoicevalue, 0), groupid enum e left join  @temp t on  e.startdate = t.trndate ,   e.stockcode =       t.stockcode , e.customer = t.customer order e.customer,e.stockcode,  e.startdate  set @counter = 0 update @tempsales  set @counter = tt.groupid = @counter + 1 @tempsales  tt  case when tt.invoicevalue <> 0 1 else 0 end = 1  select (select name arcustomer rtrim(customer) = d.customer)    name, d.customer,d.stockcode, (select [description] invmaster rtrim(stockcode) = d.stockcode)   [description], d.lastsaledate,d.monthssincelastsale,d.zeroavg,d.flag  ( select   c.customer,c.stockcode,c.lastsaledate,c.monthssincelastsale,c.zeroavg,c.flag  ( select   b.customer,b.stockcode,b.lastsaledate,b.monthssincelastsale,b.zeroavg,case when    monthssincelastsale > zeroavg + 1 1 else 0 end flag --add 1 month  cusion.. ( select a.customer,a.stockcode,  avg(a.zerocount) zeroavg, (select count(trndate) monthssincelastsale @tempsales  customer = a.customer , stockcode = a.stockcode ,  trndate   between (select max(trndate) @tempsales tt customer = a.customer ,    stockcode = a.stockcode , invoicevalue <> 0)  , getdate())   monthssincelastsale,  (select max(trndate) @tempsales tt customer = a.customer ,    stockcode = a.stockcode ,  invoicevalue<> 0) lastsaledate  (  select count(z.groupid) zerocount,z.customer,z.stockcode,z.groupid   (   select  x.id,x.trndate,    x.customer,x.stockcode,x.invoicevalue,isnull(x.groupid,0) groupid  (  select t1.id,t1.trndate, t1.customer,t1.stockcode,t1.invoicevalue,  (--fill null values...   select t2.groupid   @tempsales t2   t2.id = (     select max(t3.id)     @tempsales t3     t3.id <= t1.id     , groupid not null    )   ) groupid  @tempsales t1  ) x  ) z   z.invoicevalue = 0  group z.groupid,z.customer,z.stockcode   )   group  customer,stockcode   ) b   b.lastsaledate not null   ) c   c.flag = 1   ) d   order d.customer,d.stockcode 


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