c++ - hardcoded address in disassembly -

i'm writing optimized windows based shellcode in c++ , have problem avoiding hardcoded addresses in c++ while passing function.


my_createthread(null, null, (lpthread_start_routine)&thread_callback, null, null, null);  dword winapi thread_callback(lpvoid lpparam) {     // stuff.. } 

in disassembly, shows createthread(..., cardcoded_address, ..); instead, want pass address "from location thread_callback"

is there way avoid it? (because shellcode should address independent?)


anyways, searching/doing stuff , final thing i've done can solve delta offset.

explanation: @ first function of code, there should function this:

dword delta;  __asm {     call getbasepointer     getbasepointer:     pop eax     sub eax, getbasepointer     mov [delta], eax } 

you can google delta offset more details. afterwards, can this:

my_createthread(null, null, (lpthread_start_routine)((dword)thread_callback + (dword)delta), null, null, null);  dword winapi thread_callback(lpvoid lpparam) {     // stuff.. } 

and work fine,



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