PL/SQL error in Oracle Application Express -

i trying make package in oae, function, procedure , cursor. when trying run it, have following error

error @ line 21: pls-00103: encountered symbol "cursor" when expecting 1 of following: end not pragma final instantiable order overriding static member constructor map

this si code:

 create or replace package packageproiect  procedure del_banca (    p_banid.id_banca%type) begin    delete banci_pnu   id_banca=p_banid;   if sql%notfound raise_application_error(-20203, 'nicio banca nu fost stearsa din baza de date');   end if;   end del_banca; begin     packageproiect.creste_credit(1,20,'ipotecar'); end;   function formatnume (p_nume in varchar, p_prenume in varchar)     return varchar begin     return p_nume || ' ' || p_prenume; end;     cursor c_toticlientii     select nume,prenume clienti     v_formatarenume varchar(70); begin   v_clientrecord in c_toticlientii   loop v_formatarenume := formatnume(v_clientrecord.nume, v_clientrecord.prenume);   insert temp_table(fname) values (v_formatarenume); end loop; end formatnume;  commit; end; 

what doing wrong here? thank you!

declare cursor in package spec on top, i.e. before declaration of functions , procedures.

the same order applies anonymous block.

i wrote article here

following order of item list in declaration part :

  • item list of variables, cursors, types, subtypes, constants etc.

  • functions.

  • procedures.


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