Google Authentication using Tornado Web Framework(Python) -

i using tornado web framework its's asynchronous call facilities, , trying setup google authentication using oauth in tornado.

currently authentication goes step ask permissions access data , no data received screen comes not able exchange access token application.

can update question code ?? can update answer based on error or code update.

if want refer docs u can @

below example code you.

class googleoauth2loginhandler(tornado.web.requesthandler,                                tornado.auth.googleoauth2mixin):     @tornado.gen.coroutine     def get(self):         if self.get_argument('code', false):             user = yield self.get_authenticated_user(                 redirect_uri='',                 code=self.get_argument('code'))             # save user e.g. set_secure_cookie         else:             yield self.authorize_redirect(                 redirect_uri='',                 client_id=self.settings['google_oauth']['key'],                 scope=['profile', 'email'],                 response_type='code',                 extra_params={'approval_prompt': 'auto'}) 


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