javascript - Why isn't the following regex removing the ## characters? -

  (var = 0; < tree.length; ++i) {     if (tree[i].match(/^##/g)) {       console.log(tree[i])       tree[i] = '<p><a href="#toc-' + tocindex++ + '">' +         tree[i].replace('/^## /gm', '') +       '</a></p>'       console.log(tree[i])       tocitems.push(tree[i])     }   } 

the first console.log(tree[i]) outputs ## chapter 1 second 1 outputs:

<p><a href="#toc-1">## chapter 1</a></p> 

but should output instead:

<p><a href="#toc-1">chapter 1</a></p> 

what doing wrong?

you didn't use regex correctly search google on how use regex in javascript learn that. btw don't need regex that. here fix:

 tree[i].replace('##', '') + '</a></p>' 


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