Python Challenge #2 Elimination -

i solver python challenge #2 microsoft word (find , replace) when used python, failed because code not work...

with open("c:\\python34\\python challenge\\q2\\q2.txt") f:      f = str(f)     f = str.replace(f, '!','')     f = str.replace(f, '@','')     f = str.replace(f, '#','')     f = str.replace(f, '$','')     f = str.replace(f, '%','')     f = str.replace(f, '^','')     f = str.replace(f, '&','')     f = str.replace(f, '*','')     f = str.replace(f, '(','')     f = str.replace(f, ')','')     print(f) 

research: print out properties of file. why not information? , also, how can change it? tried , "f". have changed code multiple times thoughout these few hours (i think 3) code still dead.

you need use f =

f = str(f) show string representation of file object, like:

 <open file 'c:\\python34\\python challenge\\q2\\q2.txt"', mode 'r' @ 0x7f76a5a26e40> 

then use str.translate remove characters:

with open("c:\\python34\\python challenge\\q2\\q2.txt") f:      f =     f = f.translate(none,"!@#$%&()*^")     print(f) 

for python 3 need created dict mapping using ord of characters replace , pass translate:

with  open("c:\\python34\\python challenge\\q2\\q2.txt")  f:     f =     # {ord(ch):"" ch in "!@#$%&()*^"}     f = f.translate({64: '', 33: '', 35: '', 36: '', 37: '', 38: '', 40: '', 41: '', 42: '', 94: ''})     print(f) 


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