html - Dropdown menu in sidebar -

this has got me stumped. have done before when worked, , won't.

the light background behind navagation bar should behind body of page. footer should not in it. there more content go on page heading welcome herb place should have light background same nav bar. when have written <div id="content-scroll"> in html div part comes red , doesn't recognise it.

body {    background-attachment:	fixed;    background-image:		url("../photos/background.jpg");    background-position:		center center;    background-repeat:		repeat;    background-size:		100%;    font-family:			"open sans", sans-serif;    font-size-size:		medium;    font-style:			normal;    line-height:			1.6em;    margin:			1px auto auto;    text-align:			left;    max-width:			1024px;  }  	  #navigation li {    list-style: 			none;    display:			block;    float: 			left;    margin: 			1em;  }    #navigation li {    display: 			block;    text-decoration: 		none;    color:			#006600;    font-size: 			1.6em;    font-family:			lucida console;    font-style:			italic;    margin: 			0.5em;  }    #navigation li a:hover {    margin-top: 			2px;    color:			yellow;  }    .rectangle {    height: 			62px;    position: 			relative;    -moz-box-shadow: 		0px 0px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.55);    box-shadow: 			0px 0px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.55);    -webkit-border-radius: 	1px;    -moz-border-radius: 		1px;    border-radius: 		1px;    z-index: 			300; /* stack order: foreground */    margin: 			1em 0;    background-image:		url("../photos/background2.jpg");  }    #content-scroll  {    background-image:		url("../photos/background2.jpg");    max-width:			1024px;    background-position:		center center;    background-size:		100%;  }    h1 {    color:			#669933;    font-family:			kristen itc;    padding:			20px;    text-align:			center center;  }
<!doctype html>  <html>  <head>    <meta charset="utf-8">    <title>the herb place</title>    <link href="html/herb.css" rel="stylesheet">      </head>    <body>    <header>      <img id="logo" src="photos/logo.jpg"  alt="my logo">        <!-- body -->      <div class="rectangle">   <!-- navigation links -->        <ul id="navigation">          <li><a href="index.html"> home</a></li>          <li><a href="html/about.html"> us</a></li>          <li><a href="html/store.html"> store</a></li>          <li><a href="html/tips.html"> tips & hints</a></li>          <li><a href="html/contact.html"> contact us</a></li>        </ul>      </div>    </header    <div id="content-scroll">            <h1> welcome herb place</h1>          </div>            <div id="footer">      website has been created part of assignment in approval course of study curtin university , contains copyright<br>      material not created author.  copyright material used remains copyright of respective owners , has been used here<br>      pursuant section 40 of copyright act 1968 (commonwealth of australia).  no part of work may reproduced without<br>      consent if original copyright owners.      </div>          </body>  </html>


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