javascript - kendo ui dropdownlist binding to static datasource -

hi i'm trying bind kendo ui dropdownlist control fixed datsource so:

<input data-role="dropdownlist"            data-text-field="catname"            data-value-field="value"                data-bind="value: selectedcategory,                           source: [{'catname': 'weeks', 'value':'weeks'},                                    {'catname': 'days', 'value':'days'},                                    {'catname': 'hours', 'value':'hours'}],                           events: {                           change: axischange                           }"                style="width: 300px"                /> 

but throws error on line of internal script. 'catname' not in apostrophes, got error saying couldn't bind id attribute dropdownlist widget, tried change see, little luck.

have created jsbin issue here...hope helps!


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