How to process latex / tikz-timing diagrams in a PowerShell pipe? -

i have several tikz-timing diagrams compile wrapper latex file. wrapper uses latex package standalone produce pdf , png file. spare these wrapper files , replace them one. additionally, pipe list of filenames powershell function, processes each waveform tex file general wrapper file.

i uploaded files gist.

more in detail:

waveform.tex wrapper tex file, has placeholder in \input{...} macro. placeholder replaced powershell script.

\documentclass[convert={density=600,size=2000x800,outext=.png}]{standalone}  \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}              % utf-8 tex file input incoding \usepackage[t1]{fontenc}                 % type1 font encoding \usepackage[ngerman]{babel}              % new german writing rules; must loaded before microtype \usepackage{courier}                            % set courier font default teletype writer (texttt, ttfamily, ...) \usepackage[usenames,svgnames,table]{xcolor}    % load colors , color-names  \usepackage{pgf}                    % primitive drawing library \usepackage{tikz}                   % pgf frontend, drawing macros \usepackage{tikz-timing}            % spezial tikz library waveform/timing diagrams   \usetikztiminglibrary{nicetabs}         %  sublibrary better looking timingtables  \begin{document}   \input{%%waveformfile%%}   %\input{iiccontroller}    % uncomment if timing-diagram fixed file name \end{document} 

iiccontroller.tex example waveform:

% \tikztimingmetachar{a}[1]{#1{z[black]};} % \begin{tikztimingtable}[   timing/table/header/.style={font=\bf},   timing/wscale=2,   timing/nice tabs, ] master\_busrequest  & l h h  4h 4h 4h 4h  l  \\ master\_busgrant  & l l h  4h 4h 4h 4h  l  \\ master\_busabort  & l l l 4l 4l 4l 4l l  \\ master\_wp\_valid  & l l l 4h 4h 4h 4h l  \\ master\_wp\_data  & a 4d{phy adr + r/w} 4d{reg adr} 4d{d0.0} 4d{d0.1} \\ master\_wp\_last  & l l l 4l 4l 4l 4h l  \\ master\_wp\_ack    & l l l 3lh 3lh 3lh 3lh l  \\ \extracode   \tableheader{signalname}{signalverlauf}   \tablerules   \begin{background}[shift={(0.1,0)},help lines]     \vertlines{0,2,...,40}   \end{background} \end{tikztimingtable} 

and finally, here powershell script:

function compile-waveform   { [cmdletbinding()]param(       [parameter(         mandatory=$true,         position=0,         valuefrompipeline=$true,         valuefrompipelinebypropertyname=$true)]       [string[]]$inputfiles     )     begin       { $wrapperfile    = "waveform.tex"         $wrappercontent = get-content -path $wrapperfile -encoding ascii -raw       }     process       { #write-host "wrappercontent" -foregroundcolor green         #write-host $wrappercontent -foregroundcolor gray         #write-host ""          foreach($inputfile in $inputfiles)           { write-host "processing file: '$inputfile'" -foregroundcolor yellow             $outputfile = [string]$inputfile.replace(".tex", ".png")             $temp = $wrappercontent -replace "%%waveformfile%%",$inputfile              #write-host "temp" -foregroundcolor green             #write-host $temp -foregroundcolor gray             #write-host ""              write-output $temp | & 'c:\program files\miktex 2.9\miktex\bin\x64\pdflatex.exe' -shell-escape -time-statistics -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode           }       }   } 

how use script?

navigate folder of iiccontroller.tex. source *.ps1 file , pipe found waveform files powershell function:

cd d:\temp\waveform . compile.ps1 dir iiccontroller.tex | compile-waveform 

now pdflatex print error log:

processing file: 'd:\git\satacontroller\doc\waveforms\simple.tex' pdftex, version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (miktex 2.9 64-bit) **entering extended mode latex2e <2014/05/01> babel <3.9l> , hyphenation patterns 68 languages loaded. ! emergency stop. <*> ...600,size=2000x800,outext=.png}]{standalone}  !  ==> fatal error occurred, no output pdf file produced! transcript written on texput.log. gross execution time: 26 ms user mode: 0 ms, kernel mode: 15 ms, total: 15 

puttex.log has same content console output.

has idea happening?

if run wavefom.tex fixed filename (see second \input line) in powershell, works fine.


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