Spring Liquibase tries to resolve file path to URL -

i configured liquibase this:

@bean public springliquibase liquibase() {     springliquibase liquibase = new springliquibase();     liquibase.setdatasource(getconfigureddatasouce());     liquibase.setchangelog("classpath*:config/liquibase/master.xml");     liquibase.setcontexts("development,test,production");     log.debug("configuring liquibase");      return liquibase; } 

my master.xml file:

<includeall path="classpath*:/config/liquibase/changelog/" relativetochangelogfile="false"/> 

when run application on tomcat (7.0.50 , 8.0.20) prints exception:

caused by: java.io.filenotfoundexception: class path resource [d:/proiecte/ale mele/rezervari/target/rezervari/web-inf/classes/config/liquibase/changelog/20150329182213.xml] cannot resolved url because not exist @   org.springframework.core.io.classpathresource.geturl(classpathresource.java:178) @ liquibase.integration.spring.springliquibase$springresourceopener.getresourcesasstream(springliquibase.java:109) @ liquibase.util.streamutil.singleinputstream(streamutil.java:181) @ liquibase.parser.core.xml.xmlchangelogsaxparser.parsetonode(xmlchangelogsaxparser.java:93) ... 73 more 

that file exists on path, tries (for don't know reason) resolve url. ideas? :)

p.s.: liquibase version 3.2.2.

thank you, tekin.

this may same core-2186 on liquibase jira. same symptoms when trying use includeall running ant.

the original reporter on bug has added proposed fix, though comment report. haven't tried yet.


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