c# - Calculate 1 + 1!/X + 2!/X^2 + … + N!/X^N -

hi guys tried make program in c# calculates 1 + 1!/x + 2!/x^2 + … + n!/x^n giving wrong results tried debugging cant find mistake can me that?

console.writeline("calculate 1 + 1!/x + 2!/x^2 + … + n!/x^n");     console.write("n:");     double n = double.parse(console.readline());     console.write("x:");     double x = double.parse(console.readline());     double result = 1;     int ifac = 1;     (int = 1; <= n; i++)     {         (int j = i; j >= 1; j--)         {             ifac *= j;         }         result += ifac / math.pow(x, i);     }     console.writeline(result); 

you need add ifac = 1; in each loop.

console.writeline("calculate 1 + 1!/x + 2!/x^2 + … + n!/x^n"); console.write("n:"); double n = double.parse(console.readline()); console.write("x:"); double x = double.parse(console.readline()); double result = 1; int ifac = 1; (int = 1; <= n; i++) {     ifac = 1; //this line important     (int j = i; j >= 1; j--)     {         ifac *= j;     }     result += ifac / math.pow(x, i); } console.writeline(result); 


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