bluetooth lowenergy - On Android 5.0 is it acceptable to continuously scan for BLE advertisements? -

suppose need detect ble advert transmitted @ 1 hz 60 seconds, , don't know when in day be. need scan continuously.

the official docs say

because scanning battery-intensive, should observe following guidelines:

  • as find desired device, stop scanning.
  • never scan on loop, ...

but excludes use case.

the latest ble chips (e.g. cc2560) use 5 ma while scanning, assume reduced on duty cycle when using scan_mode_low_power. question is, if use mode, ok scan 24/7 (and inform user)?

also how ios ibeacons?

it sounds stuck having listen continuously satisfy requirements. not ideal power consumption reasons, have indicated.

whether ok depends on how being used. specific application known user base needs functionality , knows power hogging behavior? if so, it's ok. general users? no, not ok.

my understanding ibeacon transmits every x seconds. receiver hear ibeacons in area, needs listen x seconds. in design, both beacons , receivers can limit power consumption.

the power consumption issue can solved if can change how advertisements sent, either synchronizing when transmitter , receiver go on, or spreading out when advertisements sent.


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