css - Unable to use calc to size image in carousel -

i'm hoping simple answer i'm overlooking. i've been toying around ui-bootstrap carousel directive, , wanted size dynamically fill space between header , footer.

my header , footer each divs 70px in height. carousel works fine when let it's own thing, , plug images in. images rather large , not same size. thought maybe issue img tag changed div , set images background of each 1 height set calc(100% - 70px - 70px). div's never seem calculated height (they have height of 0).

after searching online, have set html , body tags height: 100% already, isn't issue.

given it's kind of hard explain, please reference this plunkr

heights given percentages work if parent element has explicit height set – don’t have here, can’t work, whether used in calc() or height: x% directly.

but of course use calc(100vh - 140px), if ok limited support in older browsers¹. 100vh 100% of viewport height, doesn’t need have height set on parent elements html element (as height:100% require achieve same thing).

¹ aware known issues @ caniuse mention “safari & ios safari (both 6 , 7) not support viewport units […] in calc().” depending on whether need those, might deal breaker. in case, might try , go absolute (or fixed) positioning (70px top , bottom each) carousel container. way, have defined height again, , 100% child elements should work.


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