Get list "What to watch" video on Youtube using GTLServiceYoutube v3 on iOS -

i'm making ios app allows users sign in youtube , videos on it. there's section called "what watch".

how can use gtlserviceyoutube class , gtlqueryyoutube videos on section

below code allows list uploaded videos, don't find way list of watch videos

gtlserviceyoutube *service = [[gtlserviceyoutube alloc] init];   service.apikey = api_key;    gtlqueryyoutube *query = [gtlqueryyoutube queryforplaylistitemslistwithpart:@"id,snippet"];    query.playlistid = uploads_list_id;    query.maxresults = max_results;     [service executequery:query completionhandler:^(gtlserviceticket *ticket, id object, nserror *error) {       if (!error) {          gtlyoutubeplaylistitemlistresponse *playlistitems = object;          (gtlyoutubeplaylistitem *playlistitem in playlistitems) {             [self.identifiers addobject:playlistitem.snippet.resourceid.json[@"videoid"]];          }       [self getvideos];      }else {       nslog(@"%@", error);      }    }]; 


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