python - Sqlalchemy get results in the same order -

i using query

users = user.query.filter( 

i want users in same order in user_ids. there anyway can directly in query or have sort again? if have sort again, pythonic way of sorting lists of objects based on list of ids.

this possible, though ugly, postgresql 9.4+ , sqlalchemy 0.9.7+. build map of id -> ordinal, use jsonb -> operator find ordinal each user id (-> requires text json keys

from sqlalchemy.sql.postgresql import jsonb, text sqlalchemy.sql import cast  id_order = { str(v): k k, v in enumerate(user_ids) } users = user.query.filter(\     order_by(cast(id_order, jsonb)[cast(, text)]) 

this create sql order similar to

order cast('{"1": 2, "3": 0, "2": 1}' jsonb) ->          cast( text) 

for other databases sort in client - though means cannot browse through results.

the efficient code sort on client is:

id_order = { v: k k, v in enumerate(user_ids) } users = sorted(users, key=lambda u: id_order.get( 


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