Unable to retrieve data from meteor collection -

i'm trying retrieve data meteor collection. while being able insert data, data not getting fetched. i'm using iron router. page appears blank without error or warning message in browser console.


template.articlelist.helpers({     articles: function () {       return articles.find();     }     // articles: [     //  { "articletitle": "title1" },     //  { "articletitle": "title2" }     // ] }); 


<template name="articlelist">     {{#each articles}}         <li>{{articletitle}}</li>     {{/each}} </template> 

connecting meteor mongodb using terminal, data exist:

command: db.articles.find();

{ "_id" : "ctck6hkfx3nkotae4", "articletitle" : "sdfsdf" } { "_id" : "jyncggxtsfeq9y9bi", "articletitle" : "sdfsdfsdf" } { "_id" : "dgvjdzu4feqraex7a", "articletitle" : "gfhfgh" } { "_id" : "t9lr3wswrhhlhnpsu", "articletitle" : "sdfsdf", "articleabstract" : "yfdhfgh" } { "_id" : "dnazafutb24qa6jp9", "articletitle" : "fghf", "articleabstract" : "sdf", "articledescription" : "df", "articlereference" : "dfgd", "articlenote" : "dfgrtr", "createdat" : isodate("2015-03-24t17:18:04.731z") } 

without autopublish, data isn't automatically sent on wire despite server , client having collection. have publish data collection on server, , subscribe publication on client. thus,

//server code meteor.publish('allarticles', function() {   return articles.find(); }); 


//client code meteor.subscribe('allarticles'); 

and you've got data on client. more publications , subscriptions on doc.


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