asynchronous - Can Dart streams save data? -

it not clear me whether the single subscriber streams in dart save data receive. if do, there way disable this, since seems major memory leak?

with new async* functions in dart, streams produced these store data?

the code-doc on streamcontroller constructor says

  • the controller buffer incoming events until subscriber is
  • registered.

to avoid queued events can use broadcast stream

new streamcontroller.broadcast(...); 

or pause subscription

streamsubscription sub; sub = s.listen((e) {   sub.pause();   // process event   sub.resume(); }); 

a stream created async* behaves same

import 'dart:async';  stream<int> a() async* {   (int = 1; <= 10; ++i) {     print('yield $i');     yield i;   } }  main() {    a().listen((e) async {     await new future.delayed(const duration(seconds: 1));     print(e);   });    streamsubscription sub;   sub = a().listen((e) async {     sub.pause();     await new future.delayed(const duration(seconds: 1));     print(e);     sub.resume();   }); } 

try @ dartpad

the first example prints

yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 yield 4 yield 5 yield 6 yield 7 yield 8 yield 9 yield 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 

the second example (with pause) prints

yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 1 2 yield 4 3 yield 5 4 yield 6 5 yield 7 6 yield 8 7 yield 9 8 yield 10 9 10 


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