image - Why do browsers display grafics different and how to change that? -

i working on website right now. sadly png logo , background uses same colors displayed on computers firefox in lila. chrome blue looks expected.

the used monitor has effect, chrome looks fine.

where issue come from, , how can fix that?

here image

here see photo of monitor. lila firefox (on left) visible slightly. big issue color used in background of website, looks lila than, firefox, , displayed color not match other colors in css @ website anymore.

enter image description here

the above picture firefox: enter image description here

the above picture chrome: enter image description here

firefox handles images contain srgb profile differently untagged images , html colors, default. has 3 modes of operation can select going "about:config", searching gfx.color_management.mode. default "2". change "0" (no color management) or "1" (color manage everything) , you'll match.

see four-year-old bug #621474 @ , scroll down comment #49 see current status of patch.

because of these differences (you can't control setting people use), it's best remove iccp chunk or srgb chunk image. browsers assume image in srgb colorspace , display against html colors.

"pngcheck" says have iccp , chrm chunks:

$ pngcheck -v so-logo.png file: so-logo.png (147985 bytes)   chunk ihdr @ offset 0x0000c, length 13     506 x 171 image, 32-bit rgb+alpha, non-interlaced   chunk phys @ offset 0x00025, length 9: 2835x2835 pixels/meter (72 dpi)   chunk iccp @ offset 0x0003a, length 2639     profile name = photoshop icc profile, compression method = 0 (deflate)     compressed profile = 2616 bytes   chunk chrm @ offset 0x00a95, length 32     white x = 0.31269 y = 0.32899,  red x = 0.63999 y = 0.33001     green x = 0.3 y = 0.6,  blue x = 0.15 y = 0.05999   chunk idat @ offset 0x00ac1, length 145212     zlib: deflated, 32k window, maximum compression   chunk iend @ offset 0x24209, length 0 no errors detected in so-logo.png (6 chunks, 57.2% compression). 

there various tools can use remove chunks:

pngcrush (also removes phys chunk): pngcrush -rem alla -force logo.png logo_crushed.png  pngsplit+cat: pngsplit logo.png rm logo.png.0003.iccp rm logo.png.0004.chrm cat logo.png.00*.* > logo_split_cat.png 


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