regex - use shell command tesseract in perl script to print a text output -

hi have script want write, first took html image, , wanted use tesseract take output txt it. cant figure out how it.

here code:

#!/usr/bin/perl -x   ########## $user = ''; # enter username here $pass = ''; # enter password here ###########  # server settings (no need modify) $home = ""; $url  = "$home/c/test.cgi?u=$user&p=$pass";  # html code $html = `get "$url"`;  #### add code here: # grab img html code  if ($html =~ /\img[^>]* src=\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]*/) {     $takeimg = $1;     } @dirs = split m!/!, $takeimg; $img = $dirs[2]; ######### die "<img> not found\n" if (!$img);   # download img server (save as: ocr_me.img) print "get '$img' > ocr_me.img\n"; system "get '$img' > ocr_me.img";   #### add code here: # run ocr (using shell command tesseract) on img , save text       ocr_result.txt system ("tesseract", "tesseract ocr_me.img ocr_result");   ########### die "ocr_result.txt not found\n" if (!-e "ocr_result.txt");  # check ocr results: $txt = `cat ocr_result.txt`; 

i took image right html or need regex? , how display 'ocr_result.txt'

thanks help!

#!/usr/bin/perl -x use lwp::simple;  ########## $user = ''; # enter username here $pass = ''; # enter password here ###########  # server settings (no need modify) $home = ""; $url  = "$home/c/test.cgi?u=$user&p=$pass"; # html code $html = get($url);  #### add code here: # grab img html code  if ($html =~ /\img[^>]* src=\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]*/) {         $takeimg = $1         @dirs = split('/', $takeimg);         $img = $dirs[2] or die "<img> not found\n";          # download img server (save as: ocr_me.img)         getstore($img,'ocr_me.img');          #### add code here:         # run ocr (using shell command tesseract) on img , save text       ocr_result.txt         system ("tesseract", "tesseract ocr_me.img ocr_result");           ###########         die "ocr_result.txt not found\n" if (!-e "ocr_result.txt");          # check ocr results:         open(fh, '<ocr_result.txt');         print "$_\n" for(<fh>); } else {         print "image not found\n"; } 
