angularjs - ng-sortable How to get the list id while item is reordered -

i using reorder list using drag , drop.

i stuck @ getting list id when move item between 2 list. want know list drag started , dropped.

<div id="list1" class="sortable-row" as-sortable="sortableoptions"      ng-model="itemslist.items1">     <div ng-repeat="item in itemslist.items1" as-sortable-item>         <div as-sortable-item-handle>{{item.label}}</div>     </div> </div> 

in following itemmoved() method want list id

$scope.sortableoptions = {     containment: '#sortable-container',     itemmoved: function (event) {         console.log("itemmoved()");         console.dir(event);          // identify list on order changed          // last , new position           // update card position      } }; 

how identify list on drag started , on drop made.

here plnkr same

i debugged little more. found id using following:

console.log('from: ' + event.source.sortablescope.element[0].id); console.log('to: ' + event.dest.sortablescope.element[0].id); 

i hope helps someone.

updated plnkr same.


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