java - How to add jpanel to a specific cell of GridLayout -

in below code, created gridlayot 3 rows , 3 columns, want is,,to add jpanel_1 specifc cell of gridlayout, lets in grid cell number (2,3).


private void setupgui2() {     // todo auto-generated method stub     jframe_2 = new jframe("border demo");     gridlayout gridlayout = new gridlayout(3,3);     jframe_2.setlayout(gridlayout);      jpanel_1 = new jpanel(new borderlayout());     jpanel_2 = new jpanel(new borderlayout());      jpanel_1.setborder(borderfactory.createtitledborder("title"));     //jpanel_1.setbounds(30, 100, 110, 300);     jpanel_1.add(jlabel_hello, borderlayout.east);      jpanel_2.setborder(borderfactory.createloweredbevelborder());     //jpanel_2.setbounds(20, 50, 120, 80);     jpanel_2.add(jlabel_hello, borderlayout.south);      //jframe_2.setbounds(0, 0, 600, 600);     jframe_2.add(jpanel_1);//how add jpanel_1 specific cell of gridlayout defined above     //jpanel_1.add(jpanel_2);     jframe_2.add(jpanel_2);     jframe_2.pack();     jframe_2.setvisible(true); } 

i think there no chance. need add them 1 one. frame.add(...); frame.add(...);
don't understand want result, using gridlayout(3, 3) 2 panels same use gridlayout(0, 2).
p.s. check out gridbaglayout - can more useful you.


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