php - Fetch array with mysql_fetch_assoc -

$query = mysql_query("select name lottery"); // make lotteries array $queryarray = mysql_fetch_array($query); // each lottery, store name of in $lottery foreach ($queryarray $lottery) {     // select ids of tickets in current selected lottery ($lottery)     $ticketquery = mysql_query("select id tickets lottery='$lottery'");     // create array ids     $ticketarray = mysql_fetch_assoc($ticketquery);     // select random id, our winner ticket     $winner = $ticketarray[array_rand($ticketarray)]; } 

when run this, however, error:

"warning: array_rand() [function.array-rand]: first argument has array in public_html/php/lotterypick.php on line 25"
have tried replace mysql_fetch_assoc mysql_fetch_array , hasn't helped either. given me same error. ideas? thanks.

line 25: $winner = $ticketarray[array_rand($ticketarray)];

writing code as:

while($lottery = mysql_fetch_array($query)){...} 

would solve problem.


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