Azure DiagnosticMonitor API is now obsolete -

we in process of doing overhauls our workerrole on azure. our current implementation uses diagnosticsmonitor automatically put of trace , error information wad-logs table in our storage account , works well. however, implementing diagnostics portion of role in our rewrite, resharper diligently informing me diagnosticmonitor obsolete api. however, cannot find information shows meant replace api.

some relevant information (all of these should latest versions via nuget):

microsoft.windowsazure.diagnostics :: version

microsoft.windowsazure.configuration:: version

microsoft.windowsazure.serviceruntime:: version version

the code attempting replicate

    public static void configurediagnostics()             { //warning here on diagnosticmonitor                 var config = diagnosticmonitor.getdefaultinitialconfiguration();                 config.configurationchangepollinterval = timespan.fromminutes(1d);                 config.logs.bufferquotainmb = 500;                 config.logs.scheduledtransferloglevelfilter = microsoft.windowsazure.diagnostics.loglevel.error;                 config.logs.scheduledtransferperiod = timespan.fromminutes(1d); //warning here on diagnosticmonitor                  diagnosticmonitor.startwithconnectionstring(configurationmanager.appsettings.get("logstorageconnectionstring"), config);             } 

this "old" way of doing diagnostics , we're deprecating solution in favor of new xml based one, meaning can remotely configure diagnostics infrastructure etc.

more info can find here on how migrate well.


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