scala - How to handle response timeout? -

in akka-http routing can return future response implicitly converts toresponsemarshaller.

is there way handle timeout of future? or timeout of connection in route level? or 1 way use await() function?

right client can wait response forever.

complete {    val future = {      response <- someiofunc()      entity <- someotherfunc()    } yield entity    future.oncomplete({      case success(result) =>        httpresponse(entity = httpentity(mediatypes.`text/xml`, result))      case failure(result) =>        httpresponse(entity = utils.getfault("fault"))    })    future  } 

adding timeout asynchronous operation means creating new future completed either operation or timeout:

import akka.pattern.after val future = ... val futurewithtimeout = future.firstcompletedof(     future ::     after(1.second, system.scheduler)(future.failed(new timeoutexception)) ::     nil   ) 

the second future hold successful result replaces error, depending on want model.

as side note: presented code sample contains dead code, registering oncomplete handler on future makes sense side-effects seem want transform future’s value , create httpentity it. should done using map , recover:

future   .map(result => httpresponse(entity = httpentity(mediatypes.`text/xml`, result)))   .recover { case ex => httpresponse(entity = utils.getfault("fault")) } 

this overall return value passed complete directive.


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