html - enabling links in <frameset> issue -

i have problem when i'm using (domain only) official option — mask url.

i'll explain: feature's purpose "pin" same url browser when visiting website, no matter on page am.

the purpose i'm using this: don't have hosting contract yet, i'm using heroku free hosting service , means long , "ugly" url address.

the problem i'm facing: when entering source code of domain (in chrome - view-source:, see code godaddy "injects" in order perform masking operation is:

<frameset rows="100%,*" border="0">   <frame src="" frameborder="0" />   <frame frameborder="0" noresize /> </frameset> 

that causes — no link on page can opened.

when enter heroku url "manually" ( can access links without problem. i'm sure problem <frameset>.

my question: how can continue using mask option , still able open links on page (on browser)? mean, can't access , change mask-code that godaddy "injects". options? it's hard believe masking options won't let me open links.

that's how domain options screen on

enter image description here

thank much!

adding target="_top" link solved issue.

found solution here: how unmask link domain masked site external site?


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