java - Creating files on disk from a jar -

my problem whenever run program eclipse or intellij can create many files in specific folder when create jar creates 1 file no matter how many times call method this.
in detail feature of program allows user create file in folder jar executed from. done through class containing static fields , methods. fields in class are:

private static stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); private static formatter formatter = new formatter(sb); private static bufferedwriter bw; private static string filesfolderpath; 

first path jar:

private static string getjarpath() throws unsupportedencodingexception {     url url = printhelper.class.getprotectiondomain().getcodesource().getlocation();     string jarpath = urldecoder.decode(url.getfile(), "utf-8");     string path = new file(jarpath).getparentfile().getpath();     return path; }   

then set path folder want files put in , create folder through static block in class code executed once when class first used:

 static  {     try     {            string dirpath = getjarpath();                          string fileseparator = system.getproperty("file.separator");         filesfolderpath = dirpath + fileseparator + "files" + fileseparator;          file file = new file(filesfolderpath);         file.mkdir();     } catch (unsupportedencodingexception e)     {         e.printstacktrace();     } }   

finally. each time user wants create file method called:

   public static void print(string filename) throws ioexception, filenotfoundexception     {         file file = new file(filesfolderpath, getfilename(filename));         bw = new bufferedwriter(new filewriter(file));         //writing buffered writer         bw.close();     } 

is there reason work want when run ide , create 1 file when running jar?


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