math - How to normal-scale using threejs to make objects 'thicker' or 'thinner' -

i'm trying figure out how extrude loaded .obj object make "thicker". think i'm looking way scale object not anchor point scaling each polygon normal.

a classic example take "ring" object. if scale normal scale methods gets bigger center want ring become thicker/thinner. called 'normal scale' in cinema 4d.

here's example code of have, , isn't giving me expected result.

var objloader = new three.objloader(); var material = new three.meshlambertmaterial({color:'yellow', shading:three.flatshading}); objloader.load('objects/gun/m1911.obj', function (obj) {     obj.traverse(function (child) {       if (child instanceof three.mesh) {         child.geometry.computevertexnormals();         child.material = material;       }     });     obj.material = material;     obj.scale.set(7, 7, 7);      scene.add(obj); }); 

scalegeo: function (geo, ratio) {     (var = 0; < geo.faces.length; i++) {         var facei = geo.faces[i];          var vertexarr = [facei.a, facei.b, facei.c];         (var j = 0; j < vertexarr.length; j++) {             var vertexj = geo.vertices[vertexarr[j]];             var normalj = facei.vertexnormals[j];              if (vertexj.hasscale) continue;              vertexj.x += normalj.x * ratio;             vertexj.y += normalj.y * ratio;             vertexj.z += normalj.z * ratio;              vertexj.hasscale = true;         }     }       return geo; }, 


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