javascript - Warning: Unable to write "..." file (Error code: UNKNOWN). Livereload option -

i want use grunt-contrib-watch livereload option. if change in file before opened browser compiles right.

once opened browser no longer rewrites files. maybe problem because i'm using windows os?

run server> while (true) {changing code - compiles fine} > run browser

run server> run browser > changing code - unknown error.

running "fest:templates" (fest) task
compiling "templates/game.xml" "public_html/js/tmpl/game.js"...warning: unable write "public_html/js/tmpl/game.js" file (error code: unknown). use --force continue.

here gruntfile.js:

module.exports = function (grunt) {    grunt.initconfig({     shell: { /*grunt-shell*/       options: { /*настройка задачи*/         stdout: true,         stderr: true       },       server: {         command: 'java -jar 2dcontra-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar 8080'       }     },     fest: { /*grunt-fest*/       templates: { /*Подзадача*/         files: [{ /* указание файлов группами */           expand: true,           cwd: 'templates', /* исходная директория */           src: '*.xml', /* имена шаблонов */           dest: 'public_html/js/tmpl' /* результирующая директория */         }],         options: { /* формат функции шаблона */           template: function (data) {             return grunt.template.process( /* присваиваем функцию шаблона */                 'var <%= name %>tmpl = <%= contents %> ;',                 {data: data}             );           }         }       }     },     watch: { /*grunt-watch*/       fest: {/*Подзадача*/         files: ['templates/*.xml'], /* Следим за шаблонами */         tasks: ['fest'], /* Перекомпилировать */         options: {           interrupt: true,           atbegin: true /* Запустить задачу при старте */         }       },       server: {/*Подзадача*/         files: [ /* Следим за js */           'public_html/js/**/*.js',           'public_html/css/**/*.css'         ],         options: {           livereload: true /* автоматическая перезагрузка */         }       }     },     concurrent: { /*grunt-concurrent*/       target: ['watch', 'shell'],       options: {         logconcurrentoutput: true /* Вывод процесса */       }     }   });    grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-contrib-watch');   grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-concurrent');   grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-shell');   grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-fest');    grunt.registertask('default', ['concurrent']);  }; 

save life. work , don't type "grunt" every time when changed code.


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