netty - channelReadComplete called before channelRead0 when ssl is used -

i have set junit test starting server first , connecting client. response comes should. add ssl , response still comes client, reason seems channelreadcomplete method called twice before channelread0. it's easy avoid exceptions creates on null object attempted relayed next handler firechannelread(msg), testing null before calling firechannelread(msg), if there can avoid behavior please enlighten me. ssl handlers set in telnet example. using

here ssl code server:

channelpipeline cp = ch.pipeline(); selfsignedcertificate cert = new selfsignedcertificate(); sslcontext cont = sslcontext.newservercontext( cert.certificate(), cert.privatekey()); cp.addlast("ssl", cont.newhandler(ch.alloc())); 

and client:

channelpipeline pipeline = ch.pipeline(); sslcontext cont = sslcontext.newclientcontext(insecuretrustmanagerfactory.instance); pipeline.addlast(cont.newhandler(ch.alloc(),host, server_secure_port)); 

here junit test:

public class myssltest {     private static logger utillogger = logger.getlogger("my.logger.clientside");     private static eventloopgroup bossgroup;     private static eventloopgroup workergroup;     private static final int server_secure_port = 5061;     private static final int client_port = 5062;     private static final string host = "localhost";      @beforeclass     public static void setupbeforeclass() throws exception {"starting up");         try {              serverbootstrap b = new serverbootstrap();             bossgroup = new nioeventloopgroup(1);             workergroup = new nioeventloopgroup();   , workergroup)                     .channel(nioserversocketchannel.class)                     .handler(new logginghandler(loglevel.debug))                     .childhandler(new channelinitializer<socketchannel>() {                          @override                         protected void initchannel(socketchannel ch)                                 throws exception {                             channelpipeline cp = ch.pipeline();                             selfsignedcertificate cert = new selfsignedcertificate();                             sslcontext cont = sslcontext.newservercontext(                                     cert.certificate(), cert.privatekey());                             cp.addlast("ssl", cont.newhandler(ch.alloc()));                             cp.addlast(                                     "inhandler",                                     new mysimplechannelinboundtcphandlerserver());                          }                     });              // b.bind(server_secure_port).sync().channel().closefuture().sync();             b.bind(server_secure_port).sync();          } catch (interruptedexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         } {          }     }      @afterclass     public static void takedownafterclass() {          bossgroup.shutdowngracefully();         workergroup.shutdowngracefully();     }      @test     public void testsendandreceivepacket() {         eventloopgroup group = null;"test");         try {             bootstrap b = new bootstrap();             group = new nioeventloopgroup();                        .option(channeloption.ip_tos, 24)                     .handler(new channelinitializer<socketchannel>() {                          @override                         protected void initchannel(socketchannel ch)                                 throws exception {                             channelpipeline pipeline = ch.pipeline();                             sslcontext cont = sslcontext                                     .newclientcontext(insecuretrustmanagerfactory.instance);                             pipeline.addlast(cont.newhandler(ch.alloc(), host,                                     server_secure_port));                             pipeline.addlast(new mysimplechannelinboundtcphandlerbugreport());                          }                     });             channel ch = null;             inetsocketaddress ria = new inetsocketaddress(host,                     server_secure_port);             inetsocketaddress lia = new inetsocketaddress(host, client_port);             try {       "connecting");                 ch = b.connect(ria, lia).sync().channel();             } catch (exception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }             if (ch != null) {       "sending request");                  channelfuture wcf = null;                 bytebuf bb = null;                 bb = unpooled.copiedbuffer("register", charsetutil.utf_8);                  wcf = ch.write(bb);                 ch.flush();       "request sent");                 if (!wcf.await(600)) {           "request not written");                     ch.close();                 }                 if (!ch.closefuture().await(1000))           "not closed within 1000ms");              }         } catch (interruptedexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         } catch (throwable e) {             e.printstacktrace();         } {             group.shutdowngracefully();         }         asserttrue(mysimplechannelinboundtcphandlerbugreport.test_succeded);     }  } 

here server handler:

public class mysimplechannelinboundtcphandlerserver extends         simplechannelinboundhandler<bytebuf> {     private logger utillogger = logger.getlogger("my.logger.serverside");      @override     protected void channelread0(channelhandlercontext ctx, bytebuf bb)             throws exception {"channelread0");         string response = bb.tostring(charsetutil.utf_8);         bytebuf bbout = unpooled.copiedbuffer(response, charsetutil.utf_8);         ctx.write(bbout);         ctx.flush();      }      @override     public void channelreadcomplete(channelhandlercontext ctx) throws exception {         super.channelreadcomplete(ctx);"channelreadcomplete");      }      @override     public void exceptioncaught(channelhandlercontext ctx, throwable cause)             throws exception {         cause.printstacktrace();         ctx.close();     }  } 

and client handler:

public class mysimplechannelinboundtcphandlerbugreport extends         simplechannelinboundhandler<bytebuf> {     public static boolean test_succeded = false;     private logger utillogger = logger.getlogger("my.logger.clientside");      @override     protected void channelread0(channelhandlercontext ctx, bytebuf bb)             throws exception {         string response = bb.tostring(charsetutil.utf_8);"response: " + response);         if (response.startswith("register")) {             test_succeded = true;             ctx.close();         }      }      @override     public void channelreadcomplete(channelhandlercontext ctx) throws exception {         super.channelreadcomplete(ctx);      }      @override     public void exceptioncaught(channelhandlercontext ctx, throwable cause)             throws exception {         cause.printstacktrace();         ctx.close();     }  } 


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