boolean - Find coords of the largest rectangle in bool array -
i have problem. let's assume have matrix of 1's , 0's , want find largest rectangle in consists of 1's. code below , computes area , stores in variable "res". question is, how can coords of rectangle in matrix? mean x,y,h,w. x,y start coords , h,w(height,width) size of rectangle. kind of lost. reply.
int maximalrectangle(vector<vector<char> > &matrix) { int row = matrix.size(); if (row==0){return 0;} int col = matrix[0].size(); int res=0; vector<vector<int>> ones(row,vector<int>(col,0)); (int i=0;i<row;i++){ for(int j=0;j<col;j++){ if (matrix[i][j]=='1'){ if (j==0){ones[i][j]=1;} else{ones[i][j]=ones[i][j-1]+1;} } } } (int i=0;i<row;i++){ for(int j=0;j<col;j++){ if (ones[i][j]!=0){ int h = i-1; int tmp=ones[i][j]; int mini=ones[i][j]; while (h>=0){ if (ones[h][j]==0){ break; }else{ if (ones[h][j]<mini){ mini = ones[h][j]; } if (tmp< mini*(i-h+1)){ tmp= mini*(i-h+1); } h--; } } if (res<tmp){ res=tmp; } } } } return res; }
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