Duplicate nonce in BrainTree using Dropin UI -

i'm using braintree marketplace in sandbox, , have problem/question.
i'm using customer id when generating client_token, saving payment_nonce in database , using later (w/in 3-4 min) submit_for_settlement. problem each transaction needs unique nonce, if submit dropin ui twice w/in 2-3 mins same nonce , second transaction fails error : cannot use payment methos nonce more once. there way ensure unique nonce's ? thank you

instead of creating transaction same nonce, try submitting original transaction settlement using transaction.submit_for_settlement

payment method nonces 1 time use. reference same parent method multiple times in server side integration, can create payment method token in vault.

in general, should never store payment method nonce in database, short lived , single use only.

https://developers.braintreepayments.com/ios+ruby/reference/request/transaction/submit-for-settlement https://developers.braintreepayments.com/ios+ruby/start/vault


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