php - Symfony2 formtype how to pass data -

i build form contains data 2 related entities , able update both entities 1 submit. far, got working form uses formtype static data (e.g. $foo = 'bar'). don't how pass data controller formtype , using in formtype...

this i've got:

    // admincontroller.php     // throws exception     $em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager();      $article = $em->getrepository('acmeblogbundle:articles')->find($id);      $form = $this->createform(new articlestype(), $article); 

this throws exception:

    expected argument of type "array or (\traversable , \arrayaccess)", "string" given  

so, tried doing this

   //this working, (of course) empty    $article = new articles();     $form = $this->createform(new articlestype(), $article); 

by way articlestype.php

class articlestype extends abstracttype {      public function buildform(formbuilderinterface $builder, array $options)     {      $builder->add('headline', 'text',                  array('label' => false))             ->add('articlecontent', 'textarea')             ->add('state', 'entity',                array('class' => 'acme\blogbundle\entity\status',                 'property' => 'status',                 'label' => false))             ->add('category', 'entity',                array('class' => 'acme\blogbundle\entity\categories',                 'property' => 'cat_name',                 'label' => false))             ->add('save', 'submit')             ->add('aufstellung', 'collection', array('type' => new aufstellungtype()));       }       public function setdefaultoptions(optionsresolverinterface $resolver)      {         $resolver->setdefaults(array(         'data_class' => 'acme\blogbundle\entity\articles',       ));      }       public function getname()      {          return 'articles';      } } 


 critical - uncaught php exception symfony\component\form\exception\unexpectedtypeexception: "expected argument of type "array or (\traversable , \arrayaccess)", "string" given" @ c:\projects\my_project_name\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\symfony\component\form\extension\core\eventlistener\resizeformlistener.php line 84  


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