How to implement LSH by MapReduce? -

suppose wish implement local sensitive hashing(lsh) mapreduce. specifically, assume chunks of signature matrix consist of columns, , elements key-value pairs key column number , value signature (i.e., vector of values).

(a) show how produce buckets bands output of single mapreduce process. hint: remember map function can produce several key-value pairs single element.

(b) show how mapreduce process can convert output of (a) list of pairs need compared. specifically, each column i, there should list of columns j > needs compared.


  • map: elements , signature input, produce key-value pairs (bucket_id, element)
  • reduce: produce buckets bands output, i.e. (bucket_id, list(elements))

map(key, value: element):     split item bands     band in bands:         sig in band:             key = hash(sig) // key = bucket id         collect(key, value)  reduce(key, values):     collect(key, values) 


  • map: output of (a) input, produce list of combination in same bucket, i.e. (bucket_id, list(elements)) -> (bucket_id, combination(list(elements))), combination() 2 elements chosen same bucket.
  • reduce: output item pairs need compared, specifically, each column i, there should list of columns j > needs compared.

map(key, value):     itema, itemb in combinations(value)         key = (,         collect(key, [itema, itemb])  reduce(key, values):     collect(key, values) 


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