objective c - UIView AnimateKeyFrames All At Once -

why of nslogs being run @ once?

my understanding each 1 should separated 1 second. incorrect?

[uiview animatekeyframeswithduration:5.0 delay:0.0 options:0 animations:^{         [uiview addkeyframewithrelativestarttime:0.0 relativeduration:1 animations:^{             nslog(@"1");         }];         [uiview addkeyframewithrelativestarttime:1 relativeduration:1 animations:^{             nslog(@"2");         }];         [uiview addkeyframewithrelativestarttime:2 relativeduration:1 animations:^{             nslog(@"3");         }];         [uiview addkeyframewithrelativestarttime:3 relativeduration:1 animations:^{             nslog(@"4");         }];         [uiview addkeyframewithrelativestarttime:4 relativeduration:1 animations:^{             nslog(@"5");         }];         [uiview addkeyframewithrelativestarttime:5 relativeduration:1 animations:^{             nslog(@"6");         }];     } completion:nil]; 

here log:

2015-03-28 14:10:52.409 appname[636:80664] 1 2015-03-28 14:10:52.409 appname[636:80664] 2 2015-03-28 14:10:52.409 appname[636:80664] 3 2015-03-28 14:10:52.409 appname[636:80664] 4 2015-03-28 14:10:52.410 appname[636:80664] 5 2015-03-28 14:10:52.410 appname[636:80664] 6 

your relativestarttime wrong, value should 0.0 1.0, percentage of whole duration.

please see apple's comments function:

start time , duration values between 0.0 , 1.0 specifying time , duration relative overall time of keyframe animation


the time @ start specified animations. value must in range 0 1, 0 represents start of overall animation , 1 represents end of overall animation. example, animation 2 seconds in duration, specifying start time of 0.5 causes animations begin executing 1 second after start of overall animation.

ref: see more


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