Replacing symbols or line break in windows batch -

i found batch script changes string string.

below batch script changes every 'bath' 'hello' in test.txt

@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set intextfile=test.txt    set outtextfile=test_out.txt set searchtext=bath set replacetext=hello  set outputline=  /f "tokens=1,* delims=¶" %%a in ( '"type %intextfile%"') ( set string=%%a set modified=!string:%searchtext%=%replacetext%!  echo !modified! >> %outtextfile% ) del %intextfile% rename %outtextfile% %intextfile% 

(copied how replace substrings in windows batch file)

but want changing every '△▽' 'newline , xy' in test.txt example, if test.txt is


then result should be

abc xydef 

before attacking problem, tried easier-looking problem : changing every '△▽' 'xy'. easier-looking problem looks difficult me. changed bath △▽, , hello xy in above script. script didn't work. reason guess - since △,▽ symbols.

could teach me how express symbol or line break, tab in refered batch script ?

the white up-points triangle encoded in utf-8 3 bytes hexadecimal code values e2 96 b3 , white down-points triangle e2 96 bd.

how can find , replace text in file using windows command-line environment? contains several answers suggestions on how replace strings in batch mode using console applications or windows standard commands.

i wrote favorite tool such replaces, xchang32.exe clay's utilities win32.

this console application replaces bytes bytes , can used therefore file type, binary files text files of encoding.

this tool following parameters makes replace want.

xchang32.exe test.txt "^xe2^x96^xb3^xe2^x96^xbd" "^x0d^x0axy" 

all △▽ replaced carriage return (0d) , line-feed (0a) , characters xy in file test.txt. in case of file test.txt unix file using line-feed line terminator, remove ^x0d replace string.

of course same replacement done utf-8 aware text editor ultraedit has replace in files command capable replace utf-8 encoded strings in files of folder or folder tree.


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