user interface - Java Increase Rectangle Thickness -

how increase thickness of rectangle when using g.drawrect? want blue rectangle have thick line.

this code -

if(selectedapartment == 0)  {     g.setcolor(;     g.fillrect (150, 120,aptwidth, aptheight);     **g.setcolor(;     g.drawrect(150, 120, aptwidth, aptheight);**     g.setcolor(;     g.setfont(new font("boldfont",font.bold,14));     g.drawstring("1", 150+15, 120+25);  }     else if (selectedapartment != 0)      {         g.setcolor(;         g.fillrect (150, 120,aptwidth, aptheight);         g.setcolor(;         g.drawrect(150, 120, aptwidth, aptheight);         g.setcolor(;         g.setfont(new font("boldfont",font.bold,14));         g.drawstring("1", 150+15, 120+25); } 

you should use setstroke set stroke of graphics2d object.

here's example of code segment in program:

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.line2d; import javax.swing.*;  public class frametest {     public static void main(string[] args) {         jframe jf = new jframe("demo");         container cp = jf.getcontentpane();         cp.add(new jcomponent() {             public void paintcomponent(graphics g) {                 graphics2d g2 = (graphics2d) g;                 g2.setstroke(new basicstroke(10));                 g2.draw(new line2d.float(30, 20, 80, 90));             }         });         jf.setsize(300, 200);         jf.setvisible(true);     } } 

(note setstroke method not available in graphics object. have cast graphics2d object.)


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