How to simulate the browser to login in https website using c++ based on Linux? -

everybody,my goal logging in https website , downloading webpage using c++ background service program based on linux. detail needs follow: (1)connect "" (2)enter username , password in order login in successful (3)post formdata website (4)downloading webpage.

now,my method using mfc::cinternetsession(code follow. in ms-windows),but it's not successful. there must exist problems in codes. hope can me solve problem. maybe can come better solutions using c++ simulate browser based on linux. thank much!

url = "";  nport = internet_default_http_port; cstring strheaders = _t("content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded");  if (afxparseurl(url,dwsevicetype,strservername,strtarget,nport) == 0)     return false;  cinternetsession sess;  sess.setoption(internet_option_connect_timeout,1000*20); sess.enablestatuscallback(true);  chttpconnection* phttpconnect = sess.gethttpconnection(strservername,nport);  chttpfile* phttpfile = phttpconnect->openrequest(chttpconnection::http_verb_post,     strtarget,null,1,null,null,internet_flag_secure);    cstring strusername = "*****";  cstring strpassword = "*****";  cstring struserinfo;  struserinfo.format(_t("identity=%s&password=%s"),strusername,strpassword);  try {     bool bresult =phttpfile->sendrequest(strheaders,(lpvoid)(lpctstr)struserinfo,struserinfo.getlength()* sizeof(tchar));     //bool bresult =phttpfile->sendrequest(strheaders); } catch (cinternetexception* pexception) {     pexception->m_dwerror;     pexception->delete(); } phttpfile->setreadbuffersize(2048); cstring str; cstring strgetdata; while(phttpfile->readstring(strgetdata)) {     str +="\r\n";     str +=strgetdata; } cstring filename("index.html"); cfile file(filename,cfile::modecreate | cfile::modewrite); file.write(str,str.getlength()); file.close(); phttpfile->close(); delete phttpfile; phttpconnect->close(); delete phttpconnect; sess.close(); return true; 

there couple of linux libraries implement http client api, can used implement http/https requests in c or c++.

the grand-daddy of them w3c's own libwww:

a more recent http/https client library libcurl:

either 1 of them can used implement http/https client in c or c++. however, in cases, before using them need have understanding of http/https protocols work; https when comes certificate validation , verification.

both of these libraries common, , linux distributions have them packaged. have 1 or both of them installed already.


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