java - How to implement edit functionality in ThymeLeaf in Spring MVC -

i using this tutorial see delete functionality each row:

7.6 dynamic fields

thanks advanced form-field binding capabilities in spring mvc, can use complex spring el expressions bind dynamic form fields our form-backing bean. allow create new row objects in our seedstarter bean, , add rows’ fields our form @ user request.

in order this, need couple of new mapped methods in our controller, add or remove row our seedstarter depending on existence of specific request parameters:

@requestmapping(value="/seedstartermng", params={"addrow"}) public string addrow(final seedstarter seedstarter, final bindingresult bindingresult) {     seedstarter.getrows().add(new row());     return "seedstartermng"; }  @requestmapping(value="/seedstartermng", params={"removerow"}) public string removerow(         final seedstarter seedstarter, final bindingresult bindingresult,          final httpservletrequest req) {     final integer rowid = integer.valueof(req.getparameter("removerow"));     seedstarter.getrows().remove(rowid.intvalue());     return "seedstartermng"; } 

and can add dynamic table our form:

<table>   <thead>     <tr>       <th th:text="#{seedstarter.rows.head.rownum}">row</th>       <th th:text="#{seedstarter.rows.head.variety}">variety</th>       <th th:text="#{seedstarter.rows.head.seedspercell}">seeds per cell</th>       <th>         <button type="submit" name="addrow" th:text="#{seedstarter.row.add}">add row</button>       </th>     </tr>   </thead>   <tbody>     <tr th:each="row,rowstat : *{rows}">       <td th:text="${rowstat.count}">1</td>       <td>         <select th:field="*{rows[__${rowstat.index}__].variety}">           <option th:each="var : ${allvarieties}"                    th:value="${}"                    th:text="${}">thymus thymi</option>         </select>       </td>       <td>         <input type="text" th:field="*{rows[__${rowstat.index}__].seedspercell}" />       </td>       <td>         <button type="submit" name="removerow"                  th:value="${rowstat.index}" th:text="#{seedstarter.row.remove}">remove row</button>       </td>     </tr>   </tbody> </table> 

quite lot of things see here, not should not understand now… except 1 strange thing:

now won't implement edit functionality.



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