authentication - Authenticating in MS Azure AD with returned SAML 2.0 artifact from another IdP -

our web app has enduser sso authentication 1 governmental identity provider. idp saml 2.0 based. web app calling web service registered in ms azure ad , require authentication kind of token. examples have seen far authenticating in azure ad based on jwt bearer tokens.

is there way can use successful enduser (saml 2.0) returned token/artifact in web app authenticate against azure ad tenant can call azure ad web service?

as far understand question, cannot achieve want!

azure ad is identity provider itself. @ moment azure ad cannot federate identity provider (except internally live id).

when create application in azure ad (register app), create trust between azure ad , application. , make application only trust azure ad. in picture there no place other saml-p identity provider.

the way can achieve ask for, establish trust between saml provider , azure ad. , this, @ moment not supported azure ad.

if web application calling web api via server side code (not client side), can use client credential oauth flow. achieve have register web application azure ad , explicitly grant access web api application registered in azure ad. check this documentation more information.


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