ms access - MS access2013 datasheet shows display values, but listbox only shows ID -

i have table named "customers", , table named "cases". these relate real estate transactions. on table "cases" have field "other party", lets enter new customer or pick existing 1 if have had person in our database different transaction.

i have created form listbox can search case records via customer , other party fields (i show other info case not needing search info). in formview listbox shows customer name, shows id number other party. when go rowsource, buildevent, , see query in datasheet view, records display way want them -by name, not showing id numbers.

why won't display correctly on listbox??? please help! have spent way many hours trying figure out :( first time using access , figuring out go.

this sql query in listbox rowsource:

select, query3.[last name], query3.[first name],  query3.[other party], query3.[property address], query3.[assigned to], query3; 

and sql query3:

parameters [ [forms]]![frm_searchmulti]![srchtext] text ( 255 ); select casesall.* casesall (((casesall.[last name]) "*" & [forms]![frm_searchmulti]![srchtext] & "*")) or (((casesall.[first name]) "*" & [forms]![frm_searchmulti]![srchtext] & "*")) or (((casesall.[other party]) "*" & [forms]![frm_searchmulti]![srchtext] & "*")); 

listboxes , combo boxes have hidden column feature, primary/foreign key of underlying table. users not know primary key should pick, hence connecting name/item displays selection. situation sounds key not being hidden displaying , 2 columns designated, not see other party field.

to fix, under property sheet / format tab of listbox, adjust column count , corresponding column widths according query (i.e., recordsource of listbox). shown below first column of query hidden 0 inches of display while next 2 fields display @ 2 inches:

column count: 3 column widths: 0"; 2"; 2"   ... list width: 4" 

be sure column widths add list width or there cut-offs. also, inches automatically added when enter numbers. finally, note data value of listbox whatever designated in bound column under property sheet / data tab:

bound column: 1 

usually, bound column hidden field or wouldn't hidden or used!


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