r - problems with user defined function -

i have trouble when running r code. contains few functions, problem happens when following function called:

w <- function(p) {     if (p == 1) pr <- 1    if (p == 0) pr <- 0    if (p != 0 && p != 1) pr <- exp(-(-log(p))^sigma)     return(pr) } 

the problem occurs when argument of w function becomes 1. checked step step execution. found when have w(c1) in other function , c1 has value of 1, return of w function nan. confused because when write w(1), 1, when have w(c1), c1 computed 1 in other function, w function not work. in step step execution, when c1 becomes 1, first if condition not work, returns false, should opposite, since c1 equal 1.

what can solution problem?


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