Android SQLite fetch user_id -

how can fetch user_id sqlite database?

i have user table created (just simple one):

private static final string create_table_user =     "create table " + table_user +                 "("+                 column_user_id + " integer primary key autoincrement," +                 column_user + " text not null, " +                 column_password + " text not null" +                 ");"; 

i want user's information throughout whole application (using shared preferences).

at log in page, have 2 textfields: username , password. can save these values variable, , put them in createsession(string name, string email, long userid) method. however, since dont have user_id textfield, can't fetch user_id .. needed createsession() method.

public void createsession(string name, string email, long userid){          // storing name in pref         editor.putstring(key_name, name);          // storing password in pref         editor.putstring(key_password, email);          //storing user id in pref         editor.putlong(key_id, userid);          // commit changes         editor.commit();     } 

i tried making query receive id, , return log in page (where put in createsession() method)

public long getuserid(string username, string password) throws sqlexception {     cursor mcursor = database.rawquery("select user_id user username=? , password=?", new string[]{username,password});     if (mcursor != null) {         if(mcursor.getcount() > 0)         {            long userid = mcursor.getlong(1);         }     }     return null; } 

but won't fetch userid me .. have suggestion why be?

you forgot move cursor first record. pointing record -1.

so change this

if (mcursor != null) { 


if (mcursor != null && mcursor.movetofirst()) { 

and... column 1 not exist.


long userid = mcursor.getlong(1); 


long userid = mcursor.getlong(0); 


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