objective c - Interface Builder doesn't show IBActions -

the problem

i have class (appcontroller) 2 outlets , 2 actions.
2 outlets picked interface builder , connected fine.
2 actions, though, not present in hud window appearing when ctrl+clicking appcontroller object in interface builder, nor show in library->classes->appcontroller->actions.


#import <cocoa/cocoa.h>   @interface appcontroller : nsobject {     iboutlet nswindow *newdownloadsheet;     iboutlet nsbox *downloadsbox;     nsstring *sourcefileurl;     nsstring *destinationfilename;     nsmutablearray *downloads; }  - (ibaction)newdocument; // new download - respond file->new, delegates shownewdownloadsheet: - (ibaction)shownewdownloadsheet (id)sender;  @end 

in .m file defined (although afaik interface builder doesn't @ .m files). also, code compiles fine (without warnings) , 'run', can't because can't connect ibactions.

system information

mac os x 10.6 – yes, know it's old. computer too, can't upgrade.
xcode 3.2.6
interface builder 3.2.6

why not duplicate

i find 2 other questions on over same problem, none of answers worked me.

  1. why doesn't ib see ibaction? answers suggest
    1. reload relevant class file manually (file->read class file...). tried, didn't work.
    2. add ...: (id)sender;. can see, 1 of actions has this, 1 doesn't, yet neither shows up.
    3. set file's owner correctly. isn't relevant problem since don't try connect file's owner object, separately added object identity correctly set appcontroller. plus outlets do show up.
  2. ibaction doesn't show in interface builder answer same 1.2.

- (ibaction)shownewdownloadsheet (id)sender;
incorrect, should be
- (ibaction)shownewdownloadsheet: (id)sender;

notice missing ":".


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