PHP disable error reporting when working locally but disable it online -

is there way disable error reporting when site on actual host people can view , enable when i'm working on locally on usb webserver?

i find pain toggle between error_reporting(1) , (0) whenever want debug. have set in connection file included on every page on website btw

edit: ended adding connection file

$addrip = $_server['remote_addr'];  if($addrip == "::1" || $addrip == "" ){     error_reporting(0); }else{     error_reporting(1); } 

"@fred-ii- created similar myself guess thats solution, if post answer ill flag solution :)"

as per op's request post comment answer:

you can use of these:

if ($_server['http_host'] == 'localhost')      {      //     }      else     {       // else     } 


$whitelist = array( '' );   if(!in_array($_server['remote_addr'], $whitelist))     {       //     }      else     {       // else     } 


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