c++ - How can I enumerate available voices and languages using espeak API? -

i using espeak api c++ simple text speech synthesis embedded app. currently, have copied line basic example on how started:


this seems work fine, know espeak comes several voices in several different languages. how can enumerate , later select them using espeak api?

the documentation espeak api headerfile itself. can find here.

to enumerate existing voices, can use this:

const espeak_voice **list=espeak_listvoices(0); espeak_voice *voice=0; for(;*list!=0;++list){     voice=*list;     if(0!=voice){         //look @ voice parameters such has voice->name here     } } 

later when have found voice want use, can set this:

if(0!=voice){     espeak_setvoicebyproperties(voice); } 

the espeak_voice struct defined this:

typedef struct {     const char *name;      // given name voice. utf8 string.     const char *languages;       // list of pairs of (byte) priority + (string) language (and dialect qualifier)     const char *identifier;      // filename voice within espeak-data/voices     unsigned char gender;  // 0=none 1=male, 2=female,     unsigned char age;     // 0=not specified, or age in years     unsigned char variant; // used when passed parameter espeak_setvoicebyproperties     unsigned char xx1;     // internal use     int score;       // internal use     void *spare;     // internal use } espeak_voice; 


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