php - UP dating the count from a user making a section from a drop down menu -

hi have mysql database called colordb , table in database called colorchoic 3 rows call id, color , value. color row has 8 colors stored in yellow, blue, green, red, black, orange, brown, white. have php select populate select form pulling colors database. know if there anyway of getting user select color add 1 value row. instance if 6 users select favorite color database might table below.

the table/database before 6 users select inputs (colors).

 **color    value**    orange    0    red       0    blue      0    black     0    yellow    0    green     0    white     0    brown     0 

the table/batabase after 6 users select input (colors)

 **color    value**    orange    0    red       2    blue      1    black     1    yellow    1    green     1    white     0    brown     0 

this php code

<?php  // create db connection  $con = mysqli_connect ("localhost", "user", "password", "colorbd");   // check connection if ($con === false){ die ("error: not connect database." . mysqli_connect_error ()); }  $sql = "select color colorchoice"; $result = $con->query($sql);  if ($result->num_rows > 0) { // output data of each row while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {     echo "color: " . $row["color"]. " <br>";     } } else {     echo "0 results"; }  mysqli_close($con); 


so i'm trying allow user select color select add 1 value row each time user selects color.


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