scala - Intellij code style to align single-line comments -

right intellij's autoformat changes this:

    val reducefn = (left: u, right: u) => {       left ++ right                         // comment 1               .myfunca( _._1 )              // comment 2               .myfuncabc {                  // comment 3                 g => {                      // comment 4                   g.myfun                                      ._2                                          .myfunbbb( 0 )( _ + _ )                    }               }     }: u                                    // comment 5 

to this:

    val reducefn = (left: u, right: u) => {       left ++ right // comment 1               .myfunca( _._1 ) // comment 2               .myfuncabc {                 // comment 3                 g => {                   // comment 4                   g.myfun                    ._2                    .myfunbbb( 0 )( _ + _ )                  }               }     }: u // comment 5 

is there way can tell intellij produce, or, @ least, not clobber former style? don't see comments option in code style in editor > code style > scala:

enter image description here

unfortunately, don't think supported @ moment. there's ticket (scl-4269), of writing there has not been real activity on it.

you can disable formatter lines using formatter control option (cf. code style preference page). that's not solution.


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