android ndk - How to use make trace option from ndk -

****this question invoking make trace option ndk-build*********

i trying trace through make file, , error. understanding ndk shell, calls make. should able invoke make switches; , can of them. trace option not work:-( please see output below; doing wrong pelase?

@madscientist - downloaded , intalled version 4.0. still see same error. can run on system, , post command use? think may triggering switch out of order or something. if can see working instance, can fine tune command there. also; had @ link posted make-4.0 updates; debug listed there too. sooo not sure why or how debug working 3.81; maybe earlier version of it. not sure why debug works not trace. think ndk issue. did issue make directly, , not see trace working; don't see error prompted me post question. complaint used ":" , "::". going put ndk tag on post , hope ndk expertise chime in. appreciate help.

sansari@ubuntu:~/androidstudioprojects/thirdndk/app/src/main$ make -version gnu make 4.0 built x86_64-pc-linux-gnu copyright (c) 1988-2013 free software foundation, inc. license gplv3+: gnu gpl version 3 or later <> free software: free change , redistribute it. there no warranty, extent permitted law. sansari@ubuntu:~/androidstudioprojects/thirdndk/app/src/main$ ~/ndk/android-ndk-r10d/ndk-build --trace  -i /home/sansari/mytree2/tbt  --just-print  /home/sansari/ndk/android-ndk-r10d/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/make: unrecognized option '--trace' usage: make [options] [target] ... options:   -b, -m                      ignored compatibility.   -b, --always-make           unconditionally make targets.   -c directory, --directory=directory                               change directory before doing anything.   -d                          print lots of debugging information.   --debug[=flags]             print various types of debugging information.   -e, --environment-overrides                               environment variables override makefiles.   -f file, --file=file, --makefile=file                               read file makefile.   -h, --help                  print message , exit.   -i, --ignore-errors         ignore errors commands.   -i directory, --include-dir=directory                               search directory included makefiles.   -j [n], --jobs[=n]          allow n jobs @ once; infinite jobs no arg.   -k, --keep-going            keep going when targets can't made.   -l [n], --load-average[=n], --max-load[=n]                               don't start multiple jobs unless load below n.   -l, --check-symlink-times   use latest mtime between symlinks , target.   -n, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon                               don't run commands; print them.   -o file, --old-file=file, --assume-old=file                               consider file old , don't remake it.   -p, --print-data-base       print make's internal database.   -q, --question              run no commands; exit status says if date.   -r, --no-builtin-rules      disable built-in implicit rules.   -r, --no-builtin-variables  disable built-in variable settings.   -s, --silent, --quiet       don't echo commands.   -s, --no-keep-going, --stop                               turns off -k.   -t, --touch                 touch targets instead of remaking them.   -v, --version               print version number of make , exit.   -w, --print-directory       print current directory.   --no-print-directory        turn off -w, if turned on implicitly.   -w file, --what-if=file, --new-file=file, --assume-new=file                               consider file infinitely new.   --warn-undefined-variables  warn when undefined variable referenced.  program built x86_64-pc-linux-gnu report bugs <> sansari@ubuntu:~/androidstudioprojects/thirdndk/app/src/main$  

@ alex cohn - again. explains lot. gonna first getting latest ndk; , try use latest version of make. 1 outstanding question me native c project, 1 trying port jni compiles 1 of toolchains in earlier version of ndk. me "::" error message seems suggest caused else. suspect has me trying include make file of c project although not have target, there 1 implied perhaps? read make manual once newspaper; not recall if case. there lot of implied rules. have thoughts on that?

google uses custom version of gnu make in ndk package. can try launch ndk-build downloaded make

gnumake=`which make` ndk-build 

but there may minor inconsistencies between .mk files constitute core of ndk , make on path.


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