JavaFX disable button -

i'm writing program in netbeans javafx view has several buttons in bad buttons(like bombs minesweeper), i'm trying freeze program when bad button pushed don't find how it


there various solutions problem. 2 among them ignoring action event or disabling buttons this:

public class buttonaction extends application {      final booleanproperty buttonactionproperty = new simplebooleanproperty();      public static void main(string[] args) {         application.launch(args);     }      @override     public void start(stage primarystage) {          flowpane root = new flowpane();          checkbox checkbox = new checkbox( "enabled");         checkbox.setselected(true);          // solution 1: check if action allowed , process or not         buttonactionproperty.bind( checkbox.selectedproperty());          button button = new button( "click me");         button.setonaction(e -> {             if( buttonactionproperty.get()) {                 system.out.println( "allowed, processing action");             } else {                 system.out.println( "not allowed, no action");             }         });          // solution 2: remove comments activate code         // button.disableproperty().bind(buttonactionproperty.not());          root.getchildren().addall(checkbox, button);          primarystage.setscene(new scene(root, 600, 200));;      } } 


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